Saturday, September 20, 2008

Interactive writing activity

This is an interactive English writing activity focusing on writing the beginning and the ending of a story. Enjoy it :)

Friday, September 19, 2008

Blogging for pupils :)

This is an interesting video that helps to highlight the importance of blogging to the pupils in particular. Inevitably, the same message also apply to us as the future teachers who will lead the way for the pupils to become the good technology user. This video was obtained from Enjoy it.

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10th class reflection


“Creativity is the process of bringing something new into being...creativity requires passion and commitment. Out of the creative act is born symbols and myths. It brings to our awareness what was previously hidden and points to new life. The experience is one of heightened consciousness–ecstasy.”
— Rollo May, author of “The Courage to Create”

The tenth class continues on the presentation part with every group was required to present their best SMART board activity. But the presentation was only limited to some of the group presenting due to time constraints. Nevertheless, there was lots of information gained from the session. Some of the question arises from the session were, are there enough effort, concentration and thoughts put into the work? Is it critical enough for me in constructing the appropriate presentation? Are there sufficient amount of creative elements in the presentation? Is the presentation in congruent with the language outcome and learning objectives as well as the time for the pupils to engage in the activity? Is the activity specific enough for me that it will help in clarifying the activity progress towards certain stages of the learning lesson? All this help in translating the necessary improvement for the SMART board activity which in turn affect the creation of successful and meaningful learning experience.

“A product is creative when it is (a) novel and (b) appropriate. A novel product is original not predictable. The bigger the concept, and the more the product stimulates further work and ideas, the more the product is creative.”
— Sternberg & Lubart, Defying the Crowd

Professor Raja Maznah also touches on the creative part of the presentation. In other words, the presentation for the SMART board addressed some of the issues such as the use of creativity elements and does it suitable enough for the activity. Some of the example illustrated was, the use of colourful layout which most of us think that it can be crucial factor in attracting the pupil towards the activity. But the concept does not fully apply to all activity. This is true as some of the unsuitable background which was pre-conceived as creative and appropriate actually distracting the attention of the pupils towards achieving of the lesson’s objective.

All in all, the construction and devising of the SMART board activities required an extensive and in depth thoughts. We have to put more efforts, understanding and concentration in order to produce the best and effective lesson and activity for the pupils. Thank You.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Ninth class reflection


In ensuring the successfulness of the teaching and learning process in the classroom, one must always fall back to the effective and efficient criteria that help to achieve the desired results. These criteria which take into consideration of all the important factors and aspects of the classroom are crucial for teachers and teacher to be like me particularly with the use of IWB or interactive whiteboard as it provide the right framework and understanding of the application in the classroom situation. The ninth class helped to address the importance of the criteria when evaluating the effectiveness of the activity developed through the SMART board application. The lecturer helped us to elicit some of the criteria which I believed have been exposed and explained many times before but still needed some assistance to recall back the knowledge. Thank you Professor Maznah.

The presentation of prototype SMART board activity helped to pinpoint the necessary adjustments and improvement before the final submission. In other word, the class was beneficial and constructive in the sense that it enabled us to rectify the problems and foresee any problem before handing in the product. Besides that, I believed that this prototype presentation which involved all the groups are better than solitary question and answer process of rectifying the product. Everyone can give their opinion, thus providing more options and chances for the concerned person whose presenting his or her product to fine tuning and develop a more effective and successful activity.

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Another important aspect that I believed that we overlooked was the use of suitable feedback. In other word, once the student have chosen their answer, the feedback which stated whether the answer is right or wrong will appear. The lecturer helped to address this important aspect by commenting on the words used for feedback. The right way of providing the positive feedback for the pupils if they have chosen the wrong answer was to use ‘sorry, try again’ or more motivational oriented words. This is crucial because of the nature of the pupils which may feels downgraded or failure, which in turn affect their learning experience. As we know, successful learning experiences are very important in the pupils’ life. In addition, the pupils should not be made to look like a stupid person if he or she answers the wrong answers. Teachers and teacher to be like me have to understand and foresee the problems before it arise and even if it emerge without our control, spontaneous and relaxed approach must be taken.

All in all, I want to thank again to the lecturer and tutors for helping us in discovering the beauty of this God’s created knowledge. The assistance provided helped in translating the problems of discovering the SMART board application into solutions. Now, it depend on ourselves on how to effectively, creatively and efficiently create a good activity which can be utilized for the future teaching and learning process in order to produce a successful learning experiences for all the parties concerned. Not forgotten, thanks to Ai Choo for helping me discover how to create the manual version of feedback.

Thank you.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

week 8 reflection


Concentration, hard work and patience in completing the assignment given are some of the successful learning requirement that all learners (including me) should have in order to become an effective and successful individual in the era of globalization. In other word, regardless of whether it is a fasting month or not, same degree of effort complemented by the good learning characteristics should be applied into the work. There are no excuses in completing the task as the time for eating can be spared for doing the task.

Thanks to the lecturer and tutors for giving us more time in familiarizing with the SMART board application. The extension time was definitely a relief since I was not a technology savvy. But still, the expectation of the lecturer helped to keep us aware and on the right track. All in all, I realized that fasting month is not an excuse for me for not to put the best effort, concentration, hard work and patience in completing the assignment. With the help of the tutors and lecturer as well as friends, I believe that I can produce the effective and successful application that can be utilized to produce the best learning experiences for the pupils in the school.

Thank You.