Tuesday, August 26, 2008

seventh class reflection


Effective teaching and learning process in the today's education environment stems from wise and successful utilization of technology resources. Therefore, the seventh class emphasized on understanding of ICT roles and its application for the classroom . In other words, the role of ICT in developing a successful learning experience in the classroom is inevitably crucial and teachers as well as teachers to-be like me must acquire and master the knowledge and skill pertaining to the subject. The right principles which parallel with the ICT concept and utilization must be adhered so as to produce the effective result in the classroom teaching and learning process. This principles include taking into consideration of all the related and important aspects such as pupils' interest, prior knowledge, family background, proficiency level and ICT awareness particularly on the how much they know about the application.

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As today's education environment requires all the levels to be equipped with ICT equipment as well as literacy on the application, rural places are also provided with the necessary ICT facilities to help the pupils develop a successful learning experience in the school. In other word, interactive learning process such as the use of internet sources to help the pupils understand and enjoy the subjects helps to achieve the aims and objective of the lesson. Apart from the ICT topic, we were also clarify by the lecturer and tutors concerned on the third assignment. It was very helpful and clear on what we have to do. In addition, tutors helped us whenever we felt confused with the assignment. Kudos to lecturer and tutors.

All in all, the seventh class was an informative class in the sense that I realized that, it helps me to understand the role and application of ICT in the classroom teaching and learning process better and clearer. In addition, good understanding of the concepts and application helps to boost moral aspect as well as creating the characterictic of a successful learning experience for both the teacher and the pupils.

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