Innovation of today’s technology especially in the education sphere has grown significantly important in parallel with the globalization era. Uses of SMART board application in school, for example have revolutionize the use of typical whiteboard or blackboard which only serve a limited advantages and functionality. This technology improves the delivery of the information as well as important skills deemed necessary for the pupils. In addition, the use of this advanced technology comply with the four successful fundamental characteristic of learning namely active engagement, participation in groups, frequent interaction and immediate feedback and connection to the real world. All this was possible through the use of innovative and indigenously developed software and hardware.
Apart from that, one of the applications that are still new and shares the same important in the education sphere was the use of third party developed software. One of the examples that I believe can benefits the improvement and growth of our education field towards the proud level was the use of BBC developed software. In other word, BBC through its website provided teachers and teacher to be like me with application that can be used through blog.
In particular, teacher can copy and paste the HTML address from the BBC website into their blog. As the blog can become the pupils’ next centre of information after school providing they have internet connection, it can best serve the functions of additional exercise, communication and many more depending on the creative use of the blog application. In part of additional exercise beside the ordinary school exercise, pupils can do the exercise and activity found in their teacher’s blog. The use of flash based software which enabled immediate feedback to be provided complies with the fundamental characteristic of learning namely immediate feedback. In part of communication, once the pupils have finished doing the activity or exercise, they can express their feeling as well as difficulties while doing it. For instance, they can talk about how difficult the activity in the comments segments. Other pupils that participate in doing the activity latter from the pupils can benefit from it as they can communicate their problems particularly if they shared the same problems. In addition, other pupils that have better understanding can post their understanding to help their friends. Lastly, the teacher can save their time of explaining the concept and improving the pupils’ understanding by addressing on the similar problem effectively. Furthermore, the blog can acts as an educational forum with the ease of use and simple management.
All in all, these intelligent technologies have revolutionized the education sphere locally and globally. It is now up to us to effectively and efficiently use it in order to reap the best benefit of human innovation.
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