Saturday, September 6, 2008

week 8 reflection


Concentration, hard work and patience in completing the assignment given are some of the successful learning requirement that all learners (including me) should have in order to become an effective and successful individual in the era of globalization. In other word, regardless of whether it is a fasting month or not, same degree of effort complemented by the good learning characteristics should be applied into the work. There are no excuses in completing the task as the time for eating can be spared for doing the task.

Thanks to the lecturer and tutors for giving us more time in familiarizing with the SMART board application. The extension time was definitely a relief since I was not a technology savvy. But still, the expectation of the lecturer helped to keep us aware and on the right track. All in all, I realized that fasting month is not an excuse for me for not to put the best effort, concentration, hard work and patience in completing the assignment. With the help of the tutors and lecturer as well as friends, I believe that I can produce the effective and successful application that can be utilized to produce the best learning experiences for the pupils in the school.

Thank You.