Saturday, October 25, 2008

Future classroom

With the advancement of technologies and innovation, human life have been made easier and better compared with the old days. In particular, education sphere have undergone significant changes and metamorphosis deemed essential for the development of the teaching and learning process as well as achieving the specific goal sets by parties concerned. My hope and dream of the future classroom is that today’s various technologies can be integrate and implemented successfully in the classroom and schools in general.

In my future classroom, SMART board application will be utilized to fulfill the fundamental characteristic of learning, namely active engagement, group participation, frequent and immediate feedback and relations to the real world. All these characteristics ensure that every teaching and learning process planned would have a firm foundation before it was implemented and eventually evaluate. The intelligent and indigenous creation of this modern and sophisticated technology will enable me to improve students’ successful learning experience as well as my teaching method and material utilization. Students can take on active engagement through activities designed to help students build in their skills and knowledge such as SMART board notebook software that helps to translate the ineffectiveness of traditional passive recipient of knowledge into a modern and active knowledge acquisition. Through this, I hope in the future it can rectify the current scenario in some of Malaysian schools that still focus on the traditional method of teaching and learning process.

Besides that, I would like to have computer based technology; in particular laptops as it provide better mobility and access of technology for student. For instance, laptop such as EE PC produced by ASUS company which features basic internet surfing experience, watching videos, small 10 inch LCD screen as well as small light weight characteristic enable students to take it anywhere they want. In addition, teacher can take this opportunity to move the classroom outside such as in the science subject where they can use the laptop to analyze the data and type its information instantaneously. This in turn provides pupils with immediate feedback which helps them to understand the concepts and knowledge without relying solely on the teacher.

Apart from that, my future classroom would be utilizing FISH philosophy namely ‘Play’. By means, the incorporation of video games consoles such as WII from Nintendo, X BOX from Microsoft and PlayStation from Sony Company into the classroom will help student to better understand the specific skills and knowledge. WII game console for example, help pupils to practice significant skills such as in physical education effectively and enjoyable. In addition, experts and researches around the world have acknowledge the use of video games in building students learning ability particularly, high order thinking skills and critical and creative thinking skills. However, teacher’s planning through previewing before the class starts by and monitoring while the class is doing the activity is important in the sense that anything can happen which can affect successful utilization of this technology.

Lastly, I hope that my future classroom will be equipped with wireless connection that helps teacher to access various information and resources whenever they need. As a safety precaution against students’ misusing the internet connection, password can be provided only to teachers besides using specific software to block undesired websites or pop pups deemed dangerous when using it with students.

All in all, effective integration takes on wise and good planning. Any future classroom that does not comply with certain principles deemed essential such as the fundamental characteristic of learning will not be achieved successfully. Therefore, basing on this characteristic, one must consider all factors so that the future will be better than the past and not otherwise.

‘FISH philosophy’; peculiar term for excellent skills.

Knowledge and skills may come in unexpected name and title. But its significant contributions to the human world, transcends its peculiarity of name and terminology. This is replicated through the ‘FISH’ philosophy. Initially, I thought it was an acronym or abbreviations from combined words. But my assumptions was wrong as it represents a sets of skills in which the process, tools and language deemed essential for creating a workplace full of creativity, innovation and inspiration. I realized that most of education philosophy revolved around a rather serious and complex words, acronym or abbreviation. Therefore the fish philosophy name depicted from the film, “FISH! Catch the Energy, Release the Potential”, produced by John Christensen suits it well since its main focus is to create supportive and encouraging workplace.

In terms of education sphere, fish philosophy can really help to improve the scenario and condition of the classroom. In other words, since some of Malaysian schools are overly consumed with external examination result such as UPSR or PMR, particularly in ensuring that their students are top scorers, the condition of the classroom has changed. By means, as most of the time are spent on doing drill and practice of the mock examination test papers, time for enjoying the learning are decreasing significantly. This is the good opportunity for the fish philosophy to fit in and changed the teaching and learning condition in the classroom.

Using four simple practices namely, Be There, Play, Make Their Day and Choose Your Attitude, teacher can improve their students’ learning experience as well as their teaching. A positive and vibrant classroom would definitely produced successful teaching and learning experience. For the first practice namely ‘Be there’, teacher should be there to monitor as well as assist their students’ understanding regarding the lessons taught. But in the Malaysian context, some of school teachers have to attend external courses that can extend for longer time thus affecting the implementation of this philosophy. What administrator or parties concerned can do is provides in house training as well as short courses that effectively and efficiently make use of limited time. Furthermore, administrator can reduce the ‘clerking’ work which reduces the effectiveness and their availability in the classroom. For practice namely ‘Play’, teacher can integrate interesting games and activities that help students to enjoy while at the same time play. Through technology, students can enjoy their classroom learning experiences by doing computer based games; singing songs or watching videos that best correspond with the ‘Play’ practice.

For the practice namely ‘Make Their Day’, teacher can integrate this philosophy by addressing the students’ self confidence with good and motivational words. In other words, the use of this word can encourage them as well as rectifying the serious condition which may emerged due to the dullness of the lesson. For instance, teacher can use interesting and enjoyable songs to make their day in the classroom enjoyable besides chatting about their background experiences in congruent to the lesson taught. Lastly, teacher can practice ‘Choose your attitude’ by being a positive and optimistic person. By means, every student’s mistake and errors are treated as a trial and tribulations of learning. Therefore, instead of scolding and punishment, teacher can facilitate and advise them on how to improve their work and rectify the problem from persisting in the future. Besides that, teacher also need to train student to practice these skills as it can bring benefit that are deemed essential for teaching and learning process.

All in all, fish philosophy help to translate the importance of changing today’s education scenario into a positive, supportive, encouraging and vibrant environment for learning. The metamorphosis of the classroom condition will definitely provide all school stakeholders concerned with benefits that transcends its dullness and traditional learning situation. In addition, effective and wise decision has to be made for successful integration of technology to complement the implementation of fish philosophy in the schools particularly the classroom.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Intelligent technology

Innovation of today’s technology especially in the education sphere has grown significantly important in parallel with the globalization era. Uses of SMART board application in school, for example have revolutionize the use of typical whiteboard or blackboard which only serve a limited advantages and functionality. This technology improves the delivery of the information as well as important skills deemed necessary for the pupils. In addition, the use of this advanced technology comply with the four successful fundamental characteristic of learning namely active engagement, participation in groups, frequent interaction and immediate feedback and connection to the real world. All this was possible through the use of innovative and indigenously developed software and hardware.

Apart from that, one of the applications that are still new and shares the same important in the education sphere was the use of third party developed software. One of the examples that I believe can benefits the improvement and growth of our education field towards the proud level was the use of BBC developed software. In other word, BBC through its website provided teachers and teacher to be like me with application that can be used through blog.

In particular, teacher can copy and paste the HTML address from the BBC website into their blog. As the blog can become the pupils’ next centre of information after school providing they have internet connection, it can best serve the functions of additional exercise, communication and many more depending on the creative use of the blog application. In part of additional exercise beside the ordinary school exercise, pupils can do the exercise and activity found in their teacher’s blog. The use of flash based software which enabled immediate feedback to be provided complies with the fundamental characteristic of learning namely immediate feedback. In part of communication, once the pupils have finished doing the activity or exercise, they can express their feeling as well as difficulties while doing it. For instance, they can talk about how difficult the activity in the comments segments. Other pupils that participate in doing the activity latter from the pupils can benefit from it as they can communicate their problems particularly if they shared the same problems. In addition, other pupils that have better understanding can post their understanding to help their friends. Lastly, the teacher can save their time of explaining the concept and improving the pupils’ understanding by addressing on the similar problem effectively. Furthermore, the blog can acts as an educational forum with the ease of use and simple management.

All in all, these intelligent technologies have revolutionized the education sphere locally and globally. It is now up to us to effectively and efficiently use it in order to reap the best benefit of human innovation.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Interactive writing activity

This is an interactive English writing activity focusing on writing the beginning and the ending of a story. Enjoy it :)

Friday, September 19, 2008

Blogging for pupils :)

This is an interesting video that helps to highlight the importance of blogging to the pupils in particular. Inevitably, the same message also apply to us as the future teachers who will lead the way for the pupils to become the good technology user. This video was obtained from Enjoy it.

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10th class reflection


“Creativity is the process of bringing something new into being...creativity requires passion and commitment. Out of the creative act is born symbols and myths. It brings to our awareness what was previously hidden and points to new life. The experience is one of heightened consciousness–ecstasy.”
— Rollo May, author of “The Courage to Create”

The tenth class continues on the presentation part with every group was required to present their best SMART board activity. But the presentation was only limited to some of the group presenting due to time constraints. Nevertheless, there was lots of information gained from the session. Some of the question arises from the session were, are there enough effort, concentration and thoughts put into the work? Is it critical enough for me in constructing the appropriate presentation? Are there sufficient amount of creative elements in the presentation? Is the presentation in congruent with the language outcome and learning objectives as well as the time for the pupils to engage in the activity? Is the activity specific enough for me that it will help in clarifying the activity progress towards certain stages of the learning lesson? All this help in translating the necessary improvement for the SMART board activity which in turn affect the creation of successful and meaningful learning experience.

“A product is creative when it is (a) novel and (b) appropriate. A novel product is original not predictable. The bigger the concept, and the more the product stimulates further work and ideas, the more the product is creative.”
— Sternberg & Lubart, Defying the Crowd

Professor Raja Maznah also touches on the creative part of the presentation. In other words, the presentation for the SMART board addressed some of the issues such as the use of creativity elements and does it suitable enough for the activity. Some of the example illustrated was, the use of colourful layout which most of us think that it can be crucial factor in attracting the pupil towards the activity. But the concept does not fully apply to all activity. This is true as some of the unsuitable background which was pre-conceived as creative and appropriate actually distracting the attention of the pupils towards achieving of the lesson’s objective.

All in all, the construction and devising of the SMART board activities required an extensive and in depth thoughts. We have to put more efforts, understanding and concentration in order to produce the best and effective lesson and activity for the pupils. Thank You.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Ninth class reflection


In ensuring the successfulness of the teaching and learning process in the classroom, one must always fall back to the effective and efficient criteria that help to achieve the desired results. These criteria which take into consideration of all the important factors and aspects of the classroom are crucial for teachers and teacher to be like me particularly with the use of IWB or interactive whiteboard as it provide the right framework and understanding of the application in the classroom situation. The ninth class helped to address the importance of the criteria when evaluating the effectiveness of the activity developed through the SMART board application. The lecturer helped us to elicit some of the criteria which I believed have been exposed and explained many times before but still needed some assistance to recall back the knowledge. Thank you Professor Maznah.

The presentation of prototype SMART board activity helped to pinpoint the necessary adjustments and improvement before the final submission. In other word, the class was beneficial and constructive in the sense that it enabled us to rectify the problems and foresee any problem before handing in the product. Besides that, I believed that this prototype presentation which involved all the groups are better than solitary question and answer process of rectifying the product. Everyone can give their opinion, thus providing more options and chances for the concerned person whose presenting his or her product to fine tuning and develop a more effective and successful activity.

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Another important aspect that I believed that we overlooked was the use of suitable feedback. In other word, once the student have chosen their answer, the feedback which stated whether the answer is right or wrong will appear. The lecturer helped to address this important aspect by commenting on the words used for feedback. The right way of providing the positive feedback for the pupils if they have chosen the wrong answer was to use ‘sorry, try again’ or more motivational oriented words. This is crucial because of the nature of the pupils which may feels downgraded or failure, which in turn affect their learning experience. As we know, successful learning experiences are very important in the pupils’ life. In addition, the pupils should not be made to look like a stupid person if he or she answers the wrong answers. Teachers and teacher to be like me have to understand and foresee the problems before it arise and even if it emerge without our control, spontaneous and relaxed approach must be taken.

All in all, I want to thank again to the lecturer and tutors for helping us in discovering the beauty of this God’s created knowledge. The assistance provided helped in translating the problems of discovering the SMART board application into solutions. Now, it depend on ourselves on how to effectively, creatively and efficiently create a good activity which can be utilized for the future teaching and learning process in order to produce a successful learning experiences for all the parties concerned. Not forgotten, thanks to Ai Choo for helping me discover how to create the manual version of feedback.

Thank you.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

week 8 reflection


Concentration, hard work and patience in completing the assignment given are some of the successful learning requirement that all learners (including me) should have in order to become an effective and successful individual in the era of globalization. In other word, regardless of whether it is a fasting month or not, same degree of effort complemented by the good learning characteristics should be applied into the work. There are no excuses in completing the task as the time for eating can be spared for doing the task.

Thanks to the lecturer and tutors for giving us more time in familiarizing with the SMART board application. The extension time was definitely a relief since I was not a technology savvy. But still, the expectation of the lecturer helped to keep us aware and on the right track. All in all, I realized that fasting month is not an excuse for me for not to put the best effort, concentration, hard work and patience in completing the assignment. With the help of the tutors and lecturer as well as friends, I believe that I can produce the effective and successful application that can be utilized to produce the best learning experiences for the pupils in the school.

Thank You.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

seventh class reflection


Effective teaching and learning process in the today's education environment stems from wise and successful utilization of technology resources. Therefore, the seventh class emphasized on understanding of ICT roles and its application for the classroom . In other words, the role of ICT in developing a successful learning experience in the classroom is inevitably crucial and teachers as well as teachers to-be like me must acquire and master the knowledge and skill pertaining to the subject. The right principles which parallel with the ICT concept and utilization must be adhered so as to produce the effective result in the classroom teaching and learning process. This principles include taking into consideration of all the related and important aspects such as pupils' interest, prior knowledge, family background, proficiency level and ICT awareness particularly on the how much they know about the application.

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As today's education environment requires all the levels to be equipped with ICT equipment as well as literacy on the application, rural places are also provided with the necessary ICT facilities to help the pupils develop a successful learning experience in the school. In other word, interactive learning process such as the use of internet sources to help the pupils understand and enjoy the subjects helps to achieve the aims and objective of the lesson. Apart from the ICT topic, we were also clarify by the lecturer and tutors concerned on the third assignment. It was very helpful and clear on what we have to do. In addition, tutors helped us whenever we felt confused with the assignment. Kudos to lecturer and tutors.

All in all, the seventh class was an informative class in the sense that I realized that, it helps me to understand the role and application of ICT in the classroom teaching and learning process better and clearer. In addition, good understanding of the concepts and application helps to boost moral aspect as well as creating the characterictic of a successful learning experience for both the teacher and the pupils.

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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

6th class reflection


Evaluation or reflection after the implementation part is a common process in identifying the weakness and strengthening the positive side. Therefore reflection on the second assignment is a need in order for all the parties concerned, to look into the problem arise, new skills and knowledge acquired before, while and after the assignment and matters pertaining particularly to the work. In addition, since we are the first groups that were given this task, it is necessary for us to provide feedback to the lecturer so that they can improve and rectify any problems from occurring in the future.

The lecturer concerned helped to address and elicit the problems and skills such as application used in the process, good and bad experience upon trying the software and completing the assignment as well as developing skills like for example, photo editing, converting, voice over narration, scanning and file sharing through ‘Yahoo! Messenger’ and not forgotten video editing skills. In addition, soft skills were also built through the assignment. This includes drawing, communication, team work, critical and creative thinking as well as entrepreneurship. Besides that, we were also given time to prepare and explore the SMART board application for the next assignment.

In the end, I realized that, learning new things requires characteristic such as patience and hardworking in order to reap the best benefit of the experience. Without it, one can never move forward and become a successful individual in this fast changing education environment. Skill and knowledge that are deemed essential in providing students with successful learning experience must be utilized to the optimum level so that we will be able to achieve the National Education Philosophy and Vision 2020 successfully.

Get this and other great generators at!

Thank you.

Monday, August 18, 2008

fifth class reflection (SMART board training)


The use of effective and efficient technology in the classroom is inevitably crucial, for it is every teacher’s wish that their pupils will be able to experience a successful learning experience in the school. Therefore the use of SMART board is a smart choice for teachers regardless of races and nation all over the world. Teacher and teacher to-be like me have to have the knowledge and understanding of its application in the classroom in order to achieve the National Education Philosophy successfully.

The fifth class basically centred on the SMART board training. Before this, we were already experiencing the training while we were in the maktab. But what differentiate this SMART board class was the use of newer version which was more interesting and practical in the sense that some of its features are tailored to meet the needs and requirement of specific subject and pupils. For example, its tools and application can be adjusted for the pupils particularly if the pupils were not able to achieve specific application due to their height.

Other newer application included the duo screen which can be used for mathematic subjects as well as other subject that require its use, magic pen which can be use as magnifier (a feature that was not present during the first SMART board training) and page recording where the teacher can write the process like for example Mathematic problem solving and record it. This actually helps the teacher in saving time and energy which can be put into better use of the classroom teaching and learning process.

We were also provided with the SMART board website which is beneficial for all of us as it contain features such as ’Teachers’ Hub’, ‘SMART video’ and ‘SMART Exchange’ where we can download lessons created by teachers from countries such as UK, USA and many more. All this helps in ensuring the success of using the SMART Board application in the classroom.

In the end, I realized that, even though all this technology and invention helps to save time and energy, it does not mean that the technology can substitute the teacher as the primary instructor and facilitator of pupils learning experience. In addition, teachers and teacher to-be like me must not use it for the wrong purposes and become lazy and unenthusiastic in the teaching and learning process.

Thank you.

Friday, August 1, 2008

interesting educational website for teachers

Check out the education website for teachers particularly. It provides current news, links, forum and even games.

Portal pendidikan Utusan

Official ministry of education tv

Reference for teachers and teacher to be

BTP (Bahagian Teknologi Maklumat)

Official Ministry of Education Portal

fourth class reflection

Assalamualaikum and hello

The fourth class explores the use of educational website and its importance to the education field particularly the teaching profession. Since the emergence of gloabalization in our country through technological influence such as internet, the need to provide the educational field with up-to-date resources and material in order to enhance the delivery and creation of successful learning experience is a must. The creation of website that promotes teacher’s teaching profession, sharing of educational ideas and self improvement such as,, and many more helps to develop a dynamic environment which could have not been realized in the early days.

In particular, these websites provides some videos deemed to be helpful in giving understanding as well as ways on how to ensure efficient flow of the classroom teaching and learning process. One of the most important aspect of this website was it is based on the Malaysian context which provided real life and practical knowledge of the teaching and learning process. This aspect is essential for teacher-trainee like me where the exposure to the real life classroom situation helpful in building essential teacher characteristic. Besides that, the website such as also houses simple games that help to make the website interesting and alleviate boredom of conventional education website.

All in all, the website introduction and exposure was really beneficial in developing the skills and knowledge required by teachers nowadays in order to cope with the fast changing educational scenario. In addition, all this is necessary so that the country can achieve the vision 2020 envisioned by the ex-prime minister, Tun Mahathir Mohamad. Thank you to the lecturer and friends for helping me.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

third class reflection

Assalamualaikum and hello.

The third class is different from the previous class where it goes back to the theories and model pertaining to the use of the technology in primary school. I realized that for every application or technology use in today’s environment are actually based on the understanding of models and theories presented by the expert of the specific area or field. In particular, the topic of the day was on the instructional design principles that are deemed as important as other factors in the teaching and learning process in the classroom.

Apart from that, the lecturer also mentioned about assignment three which I think more difficult and complex than the dynamic video (my own feeling). But I am looking forward to learn the skills as it helps to improve my understanding of the computer application. Maybe I can also integrate basic web design into the future assignment. For the time being, I think I need to focus on completing other assignment such as the dynamic video assignment that must be submitted on 6 August 2008. Lots of things need to be done and last minute work will definitely brought disaster.

One of the models taught was the ASSURE model which I deemed to be vital in the planning process as it pays serious attention to the aspect of the classroom teaching and learning process. I realized the importance of the model in developing the right resources and material particularly in using technology for my future primary school classroom. Apart from that, other instructional model important for the learning was also presented. The ADDIE model helps me to understand the important aspect in the development of the teaching and learning process, from planning (analyzing) stage to the evaluation stage.

All in all, it was very informational and I realized that even though I don’t have to memorize the theories and model (maybe) but I need to understand its application in the real life situations so that it will be able to produce an effective and successful learning experience for my future pupils. Till we meet again. Thank you and SAYONARA (Japanese words for good bye)

Thursday, July 17, 2008

second day class blog continue....

The tutorial provided was a significant help in understanding how to use the Window’s Movie maker application. Even though it seems simple and easy to understand but without the pictures attain through print screen application and mere explanation, the true purpose would not be achieved. It takes quite some time to understand the tutorial as I am not familiar with the software. I believed in order to become a good computer user; one has to be daring to use try and error approach as mere explanation and facilitation will not guarantee success. But the try and error approach has to be based on foundation of knowledge and skill learned from experts, internet and books such as CHIP, HWM (which I usually read as it contains lots of current information particularly about consumer electronic hardware) and so on.

Even though we were the first to receive the dynamic video for assignment, I realized that we are fortunate because the previous cohort which is cohort 2 did not have the opportunity to learn this interesting application. For me, it was great because I am able to improve on my computer skills and knowledge that is lacking in my current condition. Thanks to the lecturer and tutors for helping me. I believed the application is important in today’s education sphere as it helps to avoid the traditional approach of chalk and talk and improve the pupils understanding and mastery of a specific topic or subject. In addition, if we are to be posted to the urban school, the anticipation of the pupils towards the teacher would be high in the sense that they expect us to teach them with something up-to–date and creative.

The process in creating dynamic video is as important as the product. Due to this reason, the good quality assurance and quality work criteria is ensured through the formation of group that helps each other so that they achieve the same good quality regardless of the topic or subject done. Every one has to focus on their topic and once everyone has finished their own dynamic video, other group members will work together in editing and providing the necessary feedback for improvement. In the end, everyone will get the some benefit.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

second day blog

Assalamualaikum and hello to all my friends and lecturer.

Today was the raining day and the weather was quite cold outside. Alhamdulillah, I find today's lesson was very informative in the sense that, I learned many new things besides explanation on the assignment. The lecturer concerned help to explain the assignment by starting with the objectives, strategies on how to manipulate the video produced to become interesting and appeal... and not forgetting the education purposes. Tutors explained about the storyboard but I find it quite confusing as I did not have the background experience of doing the storyboard even though I had seen it in the television particularly on animation film making. I think it would be better if they show some example that are complete so that we can understand it better. We were shown some of the UM student's artwork on the dynamic video. I can see the application of Windows movie maker, photoshop and etc. movie maker was something new to me even tough some of my friend already know about the application. At first, I thought that it was very difficult but since the lecturer upload the tutorial on how to use the application, I was grateful.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

first class reflection


Nowadays, knowledge of technology comprising software and hardware is inevitable for a person to acquire in the need to become a successful individual in the fast changing globalised world. In other word, as a student in a renowned university, I will be ashamed of my self if I am not taking the good chances of learning the knowledge of technology from the expert critically which in turn affect the effectiveness of my future school teaching and learning process.

First of all, it was some kind of a new experience for me in a way that I have to learn and apply all the necessary software that will be introduced to us. Even though I am an avid reader of computer magazine and have some knowledge about the computer especially on the hardware part, it does not warrant me as good computer user compared to the rest of my friends who are good computer users. Before entering the technology class, I do not have any idea of what is going to be taught, how it’s going to be taught and whether it is interesting or not. After some explanation and introduction about the class, it become clear to me that I have to pay good attention in learning the necessary application and software besides being independent and active in developing my understanding, skills and mastery of the knowledge that I learned.
Blog is something new to me as I usually use my computer for doing assignments and playing pc games. From what I understand the class will be using constructivist approach where it provides freedom for us to explore the technology on our own. On one side, it was good as I need to use try and error approach to do the right thing. But from the other side, I still need others help particularly in using difficult application such as video editing or creating website (if it will be teach) which is new to me. Doing blog helps me to realize its use in the future teaching profession as my pupils can ask or attain information from me in an easier way, providing they have the internet connection.

All in all, I hope that I will be able master the knowledge of technology as good as I can so that I would not be ashamed of myself in the future for not taking this good chance of learning.

next generation learning (malaysian context)

In the fast changing globalised world, technology plays a very important role regardless of its application in any field or sphere. In the education segments, technology have provided many benefits that directly and indirectly affecting the effectiveness of the teaching and learning process in the classroom.
Firstly, it can affect the pupils learning by helping to sustain their attention through the work and exercise done. In other work, the use of SMARTBOARD as an a medium of delivery as well as doing exercise can help the primary school pupils to sustain their short attention span into a longer period. In addition, it caters to the multiple intelligence characteristic which is proposed by Gardner as it can be use for many purposes. Secondly, by using animation, the pupils will be able to improve their understanding as well as mastery on the curriculum topic taught. Furthermore, it can be interesting for the pupils if they also involve in the class activity of making basic animation which do no not stray from the original subject of the curriculum topic.
Next, by using an e-book rather than the ordinary paper book, pupils will be able to enjoy the reading of the fairytale or folktale better as it can fill in with many interesting application besides cheaper for them. In the class activity, a teacher can teach the pupils to make their own e-book which may consist of their own drawings and its story depending on the genres decided by the teacher. The teaching and learning process will be improved and become better as the pupil’s works are use in creating their e-book.
Besides that, the pupils will also be affected by the technology in a way that they are given freedom to explore and seek new knowledge and experienced the technology themselves. Although, at an early year, the teacher still needs to facilitate and assist the pupils in their discovery, the pupils will be able to discover for themselves the various application found in the WINDOWS or other operating system such as LEAPORD or open source LINUX. In addition, it helps the pupils to become active individuals that possess good knowledge of today’s technology and its application.
On the teacher’s part, active effort has to be taken as an initiative to improve oneself ability to master the knowledge of technology and its application. I believe the knowledge must be built from the basic level and followed by higher skills depending on the mastery level achieved at the end of each topic learned. On part of the teacher who is already teaching and does not posses the good knowledge of the technology, an in-house training conducted by a more experienced and knowledgeable teacher which actually decrease the cost of sending every teacher for computer course in another place whereby it can be done in their own school.
On learning about technology, active role is needed in searching and learning about the use of specific applications in the education sphere such as video and sound editing, creating website from the basic to the higher level, e-book, downloading and so on. Trial and error approach has to be taken in order to make me familiar and able to cope with the problem occurred besides some additional assistance on the difficult and new application. Mere facilitation or assistance will only result in my failure to improve my knowledge as a teacher as well as a student.
All in all, active effort and role have to be taken by both parties so that there will be no one who will be lagged behind in the pursuit of today’s crucial knowledge.